Frequently Asked Questions

How long do the sessions last?

There are two sessions for you to attend with your child. The first session is “Your Body”. The second session is “God’s Plan”. Sessions are designed to last 90 minutes.

This is not the first time that I have attended YBGP. Is it necessary that I come to Parent Orientation?

We are happy that you are repeating the program with another of your children. Return visits are a real encouragement to the teaching team. Over the years content can change slightly. If you are really interested in any changes then you will want to attend parent orientation again. If you are satisfied with the information you have from your previous attendance then you are certainly free to skip Parent Orientation this time around.

I am a single parent. My child and I are not the same gender. What do I do?

We think that it is important for a child to have an adult of the same gender to go to with questions about sexuality. We suggest that a parent find someone who is willing to serve in that way and ask if he or she would accompany your child to the sessions (family member or friend). You are welcome to attend the sessions designed for your gender. That way you and your child are receiving the same content and sharing an experience even though it is not at the same day or time.

I would like to bring two of my children to the same session. Is that a bad idea?

Sometimes parents think that they can “kill two birds with one stone.” There is a certain efficiency to just bringing both of the siblings to the same session. However, we always discourage this. The experience for every child is vastly improved if he or she gets to experience this special time one-on-one with mom/dad. The conversations are more open. The questions are more honest. The older sibling would not have to have the younger sibling tagging along and the younger sibling could really look forward to his or her own special trip.

My child is not a fifth grader (older or younger). Can we still attend?

As a parent you know better than we do when your child is ready to attend. Each child is unique. Our target audience is a fifth grader for good reason. But, children younger and older are welcome.